co-author :  Hübner

3 talks with Alessandro Ricci
page_white_powerpoint Embodying Organisations in Multi-Agent Work Environments (2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2009), Milano, Italy, 17/09/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hübner)
page_white_powerpoint Embodied Organisations in MAS Environments (11/09/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hübner)
page_white_powerpoint Organisation-Oriented Programming of MAS (aliCE Workshop - "Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Agents, Environment, Organisations", 10/06/2009) — Olivier Boissier (Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hübner, Rosine Kitio, Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Jaime Simão Sichman)